Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Google Helps The Homeless of SF

In a fairly recent article I have read Google has decided to give the homeless free voice mail in the City of San Francisco. That is a brilliant idea that will help many of the cities homeless get jobs. Voice mail will allow someone without a permanent address to leave contact information to possible employers. Although it may not seem like much, but how is someone with no real contact information going to get a job or hear back from a clinic. This is quite a big deal to someone in that type of situation. This also allows family to stay in contact with one another which can help a lot with ones mental state. An article here shows interviews and details Google's plan.

Again I see Google becoming an innovator striving to use technology to help everyday citizens of the United States. Sure Bill Gates is the most generous philanthropist in the world which is awesome, but how has his company helped the general public is a manner that didn't require someone to pay. If you know of any please respond to my post.


JC said...

wow, i had never heard of that type of thing before. I know there motto is something like "do no evil" but I never thought they were going to try doing things to make the world better. I had thought of Google as being too powerful but I've started to change my mind over the past year or two and this story helps even more

marketingFUNatic said...

All I can honestly say is…it's about time.

I love Google and can't imagine life without it but why has it taken THIS long for Google to realize it might be a good idea to put all of its massive earnings to help others? Since Google is known for being such an innovative company I'm surprised they haven't done more to help out others. I'm shocked they haven't even thought of doing this even for the publicity stunt like other companies to appear to be "environmentally sustainable", "caring", "community service enthusiastic" companies…ect.

Not to say Google isn't any of those things…..